1Corr 14:1 Make love your aim and earnestly pursue spiritual gifts.

Part of my high school CRE sylabbus was the love chapter: 1 Corr13. Well, having read it again and again,it became like a cliche. I mean am singing and rereading it over and over to pass my exams-what more can it mean?
But recently I went through something with someone in my life and I decided to reread it again.

Reading chapter 13-14, I realized that yes I was a Christian read my Bible well, prayed, taught the word but there were some aspects of my life that lacked this love that Paul describes to us. I have been a leader most of my life(well I believe we were all born leaders in our different spheres of influence it's just that some of us have not yet dug up to our leadership skills) and it got to me that power could sometimes cloud my judgements.Lets look at the dangers of that.

See, when Paul was writing to the church in Corinth, most people think that he was not wholly for the idea of exercising the same spiritual gifts he was preaching about but instead preached more on love. Allow me to submit to you that Paul was for the gifts, in fact he ended chapter 12 by urging them to 'earnestly  cultivate the fruits'. In fact the amplified version puts it as 'ZEALOUSLY..'

What he wanted to bring out in chapter 13 was all these gifts in action should start and end with love. That any decision made, before after or even during the should cloud it. When you decide to start something, let love be present, when you are also thinking of rebelling, think of the love you have for your parents or whoever then think again if you will undertake that action. Even when you are going to bash someone on social media...or wherever..Let love hold the center front.

Allow me to hold aloft the supremacy of love in this power conscious generation that even if you are the greatest leader of our time leaving Abraham Lincoln and Mahtma Gandhi as your mentees, without love it's all in vain.

I pray that God will grant us persisting love and that all our desicions and values may hold intact. That this love will not only be Verbal but vital.

God bless!


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