Growing up; my mother always made it clear
That yes I might be something
But it's not more than a spec of dust
Before the world.
The world which could be termed as an ocean
Which can carry the spec away anytime
Well, Iam a teenager
I didn't listen to that:-
I think it comes with the job description
But I have never felt more like a spec of dust than yesterday
When I stood before the 'ministers daughter
And she told me 'IT CANT HAPPEN!

I have seen 'Ministers daughters before
But this one was different
She stood 6feet tall
Translucent skin
Lioness of a smile
And repeated tersely
If the minister has said 'No'
It remains!

Here is what I thought but didn't say
Dear ministers daughter
Your 'minister' has said this
But my MINISTER has a different tale to tell
Maybe we know different ministers
But I choose to sit
Drink my cola and watch
The man in a white mane
Decide the case!
Dear friends people might have made declarations over your life, even doctors but choose to trust He who has promised to keep the good work in you till completion! See, everyone has something to say about you...but the ultimate say is on your Creator. Trust him!

God bless!


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