Videos and memes of proposals among homosexuals surfacing online seems to send a message of how deep homosexuality has gone. In the recent past, we have seen LGBT societies seeking for their rights and the like. But it makes me question why is this topic met with much hostility and defense from the different sides of the discussion. What does the Bible really say about Homosexuality?
(This is quite a lengthy discussion that cannot be summarily be handled in one devotion, thus Id encourage you to follow through till #3 where we will handle the questions you asked )
Now before someone quotes our favorite scripture Matthew 7.1 "Judge not that you not be judged" to me, Let me help you understand this scripture. This is by far one of the most misapplied scriptures in contentious conversations or in defensive moments. It is used most oftenly than not as a "shield of sin"a barrier to keep others at bay, allowing them to justify living as we please. First, to judge means to pass condemnatory judgement leading to pronouncing rash, unjust and unlovely judgements against a brother in this context. It is clear that this verse cannot be used to substantiate unrestrained moral freedom, autonomy and independence. Infact, far from it, Jesus was explicitly rebuking the PHARISEES who were quick to see the sin of others and blind themselves unwilling to hold themselves accountable to the same standard they were imposing on everyone else.
The popular "do not judge"reveals just how far the discipline of sound biblical knowledge study has slipped in recent years where we pick one verse and fail to balance it with other principles and teachings found elsewhere in scripture. This provides healthy check and balance and helps us avoid misinterpretations and logical inconsistencies and inappropriate applications. In this journey of death to flesh, without the help of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and mutual encouragement and accountability of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, it will be difficult. So what does the Bible say about correction and accountability?
Gal 6:1 Brothers if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself , lest you too be tempted.
1 Tim 5.20 As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear.
Matt 18:15 If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his faulty between you and him alone. If he listens you have gained brother.
James 5:19-20 My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death..
Luke 17.3 Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him and if he repents, forgive him
Prov 27:17 Iron sharpens Iron, one man sharpens another
Romans 2:4 Or do you presume on thee riches of his kindness and forebearence and patience, not knowing that Gods kindness is to lead you to REPENTANCE?
(All from the ESV translation)
2 Tim 3:16-17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
And other verses that encourage correction for repentance. So Jesus was not against moral judgement and accountability. Rather, He forbids harsh prideful and hypocritical judgement that condemns others without first evaluating one's own spiritual condition and commitment to forsake sin.
We will unpack this scripture and others commonly misinterpreted in another devotion.
That being said, now we can handle what the Bible says about Homosexuality. Click link
(This is quite a lengthy discussion that cannot be summarily be handled in one devotion, thus Id encourage you to follow through till #3 where we will handle the questions you asked )
Now before someone quotes our favorite scripture Matthew 7.1 "Judge not that you not be judged" to me, Let me help you understand this scripture. This is by far one of the most misapplied scriptures in contentious conversations or in defensive moments. It is used most oftenly than not as a "shield of sin"a barrier to keep others at bay, allowing them to justify living as we please. First, to judge means to pass condemnatory judgement leading to pronouncing rash, unjust and unlovely judgements against a brother in this context. It is clear that this verse cannot be used to substantiate unrestrained moral freedom, autonomy and independence. Infact, far from it, Jesus was explicitly rebuking the PHARISEES who were quick to see the sin of others and blind themselves unwilling to hold themselves accountable to the same standard they were imposing on everyone else.
The popular "do not judge"reveals just how far the discipline of sound biblical knowledge study has slipped in recent years where we pick one verse and fail to balance it with other principles and teachings found elsewhere in scripture. This provides healthy check and balance and helps us avoid misinterpretations and logical inconsistencies and inappropriate applications. In this journey of death to flesh, without the help of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and mutual encouragement and accountability of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, it will be difficult. So what does the Bible say about correction and accountability?
Gal 6:1 Brothers if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself , lest you too be tempted.
1 Tim 5.20 As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear.
Matt 18:15 If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his faulty between you and him alone. If he listens you have gained brother.
James 5:19-20 My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death..
Luke 17.3 Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him and if he repents, forgive him
Prov 27:17 Iron sharpens Iron, one man sharpens another
Romans 2:4 Or do you presume on thee riches of his kindness and forebearence and patience, not knowing that Gods kindness is to lead you to REPENTANCE?
(All from the ESV translation)
2 Tim 3:16-17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
And other verses that encourage correction for repentance. So Jesus was not against moral judgement and accountability. Rather, He forbids harsh prideful and hypocritical judgement that condemns others without first evaluating one's own spiritual condition and commitment to forsake sin.
We will unpack this scripture and others commonly misinterpreted in another devotion.
That being said, now we can handle what the Bible says about Homosexuality. Click link
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