1 Peter 4:8 Above all, hold unfailing love for another for love covers a multitude of sins

 I'm standing on the side of a road. I see a boy going to cross the road, running after his ball. However, close by is a speeding Githu 45 matatu (for our abroad readers, this is not a normal PSV, its a nissan passenger vehicle that moves at the speed of planes).
I am faced with several options at this point.

To chase after him and yank him out of harms way but what if I fall and hurt myself? Are there relevant verses to support this rush move and the probability of my getting injured in the name of help? Of course, my mind cant remember anything at this point.

Or I could just let the boy get hurt so that he could learn never to play on the roads as told by his father. Experience is the best teacher, right? But what are the chances of him surviving the hit?

Maybe, I should shout  the dangers of playing on the road and the irresponsibility of crossing the road without the proverbial 'look left, right left again...' and how he deserved what was coming at him.

Or, I could whisper a quick, "Father forgive Him for He doesn't know what He did. Spare the boy..."

But what would really help the boy? And I liken the same to situations within our Christian circles and the walk of faith. Think about the time you have witnessed a fallen brother...
I have heard this statement "Christianity is the only army that wounds its own solidiers!" and I think as a Stand alone its a sermon on its own. We have come to a time of doctrine VS love when it should actually be doctrine AND love. With the What Would Jesus Do (WWJD) tag, I will point you to the feeding of the 5000men(love) who were at the point of hunger listening to the word(Doctrine). He both taught and showed compassion. The Bibilical stories trace and show the act of compassion. Ask the sinful woman who washed Jesus feet.
 Doctrine and truth is making us overshadow love. In that we are focused so much on doctrine that we forget to love. With the sinful woman, the pharisees were clouded with so much doctrine that they could see her as a sinner and forget about love and repentance. To say that even if your doctrine is 100% truth without love you are at error and if you are focusing on love without truth you are also at error. In other words, there should be a striking balance. Doctrine and Love. Not one or the other in supremacy levels...
Lets put deeds to our words and love each other.

God Bless!

Inspired by Ngare Kariuki's, The Real church.


  1. His Love alwaaaaayyyyysss Avails

  2. So what happened to the little boy?

    1. The wisest decision is to yank him off the road. Thats the surest way to get him to safety. Putting deeds to our words.. not just talking.

  3. I love what I am reading. Thanks for this


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