1 Sam 9:21---2 Peter 1:3
When Israel was getting a king, the Lord chose Saul. However, one thing is clear with Saul...He was insecure from the word 'Go'. He was so insecure that even on His day of appointment He could not be found.(1Sam 10:22) He lived with such a great sense of inadequacy,insecurity,identity crisis that he was never able to fulfill his obligations or rather lead the chosen nation. He Continually stepped out of Gods will and path for him because his focus remained on his flaws and what he could not do or rather his limitations rather than on the limitless ability of the One who called Him to serve..the one who anointed Him.

Change your focus. He who called you to your various vocations knew why He called you and has bestowed you with various gifts to sail through your walk.

God bless!


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