Gen 11:4 'Come let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the Heavens and LET US MAKE A NAME FOR OURSELVES.

Many times we do things and wonder why we don't get the results we had hoped for even after praying for so long, it gets even worse and we start questioning God. Building the Tower of Babel was not a wrong thing but have your ever thought why God confused their language?

Here's the thing, the people wanted to build a tower to make a name for themselves. It was the reason behind building the tower that was wrong.
God wants us to glorify His name in whatever we are doing. See, I have been reading The Secret for Teen Power and one thing stands out...Whining about someone else's gold medal won't get you yours... so if you are working to prove to someone you are better parsay...Look back.

What is the reason behind your preaching, singing, dancing, working, what is the reason behind what ever you are planning to do?

Seek to glorify God!
God bless!


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