Gen 2:18 And the Lord God said, "Its not good for man to be alone..."

The first time in scripture God observed something and said it was not good was the fact that man was alone. Let's take a trip down the first few scriptures. God made light and saw it was good. Vegetation, good. The waters, good. Animals, good. Man, good. But Man alone...not good. Now all my introvert friends and I hate people Group don't log out, am still on your side. Today being tasty talk Tuesday I want us to lay a foundation on this matter of relationships and look at relationships not only in the line of love and dating but the whole scope of relationships; relationships with family, friendship relationships, squads, professional and we can go on and on. 

Our lead scripture is quite clear, GOD DESIRES RELATIONSHIPS FOR US. He desires for you to be in a community. There is danger in being alone. When you are isolated, that's when the devil attacks. Ask Eve. A community will always remind you who you are should he try to attack your thoughts. 
There is also a commonly quoted scripture that highlights the importance of people in your life. Luke 6:38...Give and it will be given to you..same measure will men pour into your lap/bosom. Now you are there avoiding people, how will the same measure be poured into your lap?

God desires relationships for you. He wants you to have a close friend. He wants you to have an inner circle. He wants squad for you. There are lessons you will be taught only through people God has placed in your life. So stop avoiding people. Stop avoiding relationships.
It's not good for man to be alone.

God bless!



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