Acts 2:2 And suddenly a sound like that of the mighty wind came from heavens and filled the room where they were seated.

Now I'd like you to read that statement till you comprehend it and it actually makes sense then it sinks. Go on! I know you have not read waiting for you to re read it. Again! Good.

We are in a generation of believers who are depending on their Sunday school knowledge, Class 4 CRE and what the pastor says on Sunday to be able to read and interact with the Bible. Honestly, when was the last time you set aside time to interact with the Bible, read and meditate on it? Just think about it!
There are levels we will never experience if we don't learn how to seek the sound of God noting that nothing will move if the sound of God has not echoed in that situation: not the sound of the church, not the sound of the pastor but the sound of God. Many of us have stagnated because we have not heard the sound of God. Now how else can you hear His voice if you don't have a moment of intimacy with Him? In our verse, the sound of God filled the room and POWER(this is the part the pastor will say tell your neighbor Power..just to emphasize the magnitude of this) descended upon them. These levels of power we can't experience if we are Sunday going Christians but even so remember a car doesn't become a car by sleeping in a garage just as you don't become a Christian by going to Church.

God is calling us to a point of intimacy and interaction with the word of God because of one simple reason: JOHN 8:32 They will know the truth and the truth will set them free. We also know Jesus is the way, the TRUTH... But the funny thing about this is we are silent on this Jesus. We don't know Him for who He is. We don't know the Jesus of the Bible. We have not come to a place to seek this Jesus personally. How do I know this? Why else are you struggling with the same issues and addictions over and over yet the truth comes to SET US FREE?

This is the call today....Go forth and seek this truth and watch chains break today!

God bless!


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