Malachi 3:10 Test me and see if I will not throw open the flood gates of heaven and pour so much blessing that there will not be enough to store it.
Iam not sure if this is a timely message, but our God isn't bounded by time right. This message has been heavy in my heart that am not even sure how to present it. Now don't log out yet, this might not be your favorite devotion but it will be a transforming one, liberation is happening today!
Tithing is a topic not familiar to many of us young believers and if familiar not friendly. The truth about giving and tithing has been corrupted that even I writing about it is still being liberated from the lies and fears around it. I pray you will read this devotion with an open mind. Now tithing isn't a word brought about in conversations randomly. In fact am sure when you come to a sermon on giving you probably think,"The church just wants my money...". It might interest you that there are more that 2000 scriptures in giving, money and possession in the Bible from Genesis all the way to Malachi, Matthew down to Revelations. 106 scriptures about tithing, giving and generosity and that is just mind blowing that a topic we want to avoid is highlighted that much in the Bible. That being pointed out, it would mean I will take more than one devotion to fully grow through this topic.
Tithing doesn't make sense but it does makes miracles. God says in our lead verse today, TEST ME IN THIS AND SEE. I love instructions such as this, Tithe. Simple. Give God ten percent of your getting. No buts, no excuses, no two sides of it. Just tithe. However simple it is, many a times we want to attach many excuses to it. Oh it's little. Oh I'll start tithing when I have a steady income. Oh I am not earning. But God just says give. Proof? Remembers the young chap in Matthew 14, he just gave his two fish and five loaves, that wasn't much but it was blessed. God is not looking at amount but what you have. Remember the other widow who gave her all and Jesus pointed out she was blessed because of the posture of her heart in giving? Now I know you are probably wondering you are only given 2000bob for your pocket money and that is it! That is what am asking you to tithe and watch God do His thing. Come to think of it many times we just waste our tithe. This is the point you find you bought shoes size 39 and you are a 41 and there it is, your 500bob gone when you could have tithed it and opened your flood gates of blessings. God is saying, don't rob Him of the opportunity to bless you and here I am coming with a dare to you.. Malachi 3:10 TEST HIM AND SEE!
So go on..Take God at His word! And watch the levels He will shift you to!
Iam not sure if this is a timely message, but our God isn't bounded by time right. This message has been heavy in my heart that am not even sure how to present it. Now don't log out yet, this might not be your favorite devotion but it will be a transforming one, liberation is happening today!
Tithing is a topic not familiar to many of us young believers and if familiar not friendly. The truth about giving and tithing has been corrupted that even I writing about it is still being liberated from the lies and fears around it. I pray you will read this devotion with an open mind. Now tithing isn't a word brought about in conversations randomly. In fact am sure when you come to a sermon on giving you probably think,"The church just wants my money...". It might interest you that there are more that 2000 scriptures in giving, money and possession in the Bible from Genesis all the way to Malachi, Matthew down to Revelations. 106 scriptures about tithing, giving and generosity and that is just mind blowing that a topic we want to avoid is highlighted that much in the Bible. That being pointed out, it would mean I will take more than one devotion to fully grow through this topic.
Tithing doesn't make sense but it does makes miracles. God says in our lead verse today, TEST ME IN THIS AND SEE. I love instructions such as this, Tithe. Simple. Give God ten percent of your getting. No buts, no excuses, no two sides of it. Just tithe. However simple it is, many a times we want to attach many excuses to it. Oh it's little. Oh I'll start tithing when I have a steady income. Oh I am not earning. But God just says give. Proof? Remembers the young chap in Matthew 14, he just gave his two fish and five loaves, that wasn't much but it was blessed. God is not looking at amount but what you have. Remember the other widow who gave her all and Jesus pointed out she was blessed because of the posture of her heart in giving? Now I know you are probably wondering you are only given 2000bob for your pocket money and that is it! That is what am asking you to tithe and watch God do His thing. Come to think of it many times we just waste our tithe. This is the point you find you bought shoes size 39 and you are a 41 and there it is, your 500bob gone when you could have tithed it and opened your flood gates of blessings. God is saying, don't rob Him of the opportunity to bless you and here I am coming with a dare to you.. Malachi 3:10 TEST HIM AND SEE!
So go on..Take God at His word! And watch the levels He will shift you to!
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