Joshua 1:8 Do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written on it.

Many times we just read the word and call it a day. We forget the important aspect of Bible reading:MEDITATION. Well, personally, I struggled with meditation till I came across an acronym from George Muller
As you read the Bible passages try to ask yourself some of these questions.

S-Sins to confess
Is there a sin described in the passage that I have committed? What is God trying to tell me about it through that passage?
P-Promise to claim
Are there some promises in the passage or verse that I need to claim?
E-Examples to follow
Are there some good examples that I can emulate?
C-Command to obey
Is there a command that God wants me to obey?
T-Truth about God to believe
Is there a truth about God that I have learned and need to walk with it?

With all these questions answered am sure you will be able to understand Gods word better and you will see Him as He presents himself to you. Remember Gods word is part of our Christian are our and without the word we become empty, so read read and read Gods word.

God bless!


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