Tracing back to Eden...walk with me to Eve's encounter with the serpent...Intriguing, I find it. In the lush green garden, as Eve walked by the lofty grass by herself she comes to the middle of the garden. I'm supposing this wasn't a usual hang out zone. Then she sees a tree not any different from the millions of fruit trees in the garden. But wait, it was FORBIDDEN. Eve looks around. She makes steps closer to the tree. Echoes resound in her heart. She is filled with great desire.  Only to worsen the situation, the serpent, subtle as it is convinces her heart. Sin, taking opportunity of the commandment(Romans 7:8) cultivates the deception. The serpent belies the character of the commander bringing distrust, fear, alienation from God and eventually the end result is vivid.

Focusing on Eve's conviction to eat the fruit...Behold, it was good food, a delight to the eyes and desirable to make one wise. A perfect reflection of the temptations we face the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life(1John 2:16).Yes, it wasn't right But sadly the wrong seemed strong.
Has it ever come to the point in our lives where we Like Paul can utter these words,'I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.'Romans7:15. When the temptations become like a nebula, always with greater force convincing our desires..

Well we are living by faith...and if 'Sola fide is our motto' then we will trust in Him who provides a way out even when the wrong seems strong. Not because we have seen, but because we have the assurance of things not seen; in the surety of His guidance.

The great controversy is at hand...Our hearts are the battle ground. Picture a tag of war..the resultant force from both sides may be equal..but it's not about the strength but the wits.When sin struggles for the mastery in the human heart, when guilt seems to oppress the soul and burden the conscience when unbelief clouds the mind allow Jesus to let in the beam of light;the light that subdues and pardons all sins.
A songwriter, Maltibie Babcock pens down
This is my Fathers world
O let me never forget
That thou the wrong seems oft so wrong
God is the ruler yet

When temptation round you gather friends breathe that Holy name in prayer. Look to where your eyes of faith last saw the light and resound the mantra of the Fathers faith-trust God and do right.

God bless!

Today's devotion is by a good friend who mentors me and I think it is well that she wrote about this because I was going to post about the same topic soon. I hope it has blessed you and you will put off all addictions and temptations that are drawing you away from the Father. Remember to share the link.


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