GEN 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image after our likeness; 

The story of Genesis 1 is one that is familiar to most if not all of us. Over time, I have learnt that there is a new revelation each time God sends you to a particular scripture. Watch this, in the story of creation, the standard for the existence of most things created was by the word of God. However, there is a plot twist in Gen 1:20. For the creatures in water and on land, God called forth life from their areas of sustenance. ‘LET THE WATERS BRING FORTH..’ and Vs24 ‘LET THE EARTH BRING FORTH…’ and that is why the tell tale of removing a fish from water will lead to its death is because the fish has been removed from its plug of life. Now, for man to come to be, note that God didn’t call out the land to bring forth man, He brought man from Himself…{LET US MAKE MAN}. And we know that God is spirit…John 4:24 ‘God is spirit…’ So for man to become, God contacted spirit. Meaning man came from a spirit being, and just as should a fish be removed from its source it would die, so is man, who is plugged to spiritual reality, should he be removed from his plug would die. 

Now many of us are walking in polished death, because we have moved from our plug. We will talk about this polished death another day but I want us to look at our understanding of life. Acts 17:28 tells us IN GOD WE MOVE, LIVE AND HAVE OUR BEING. Not that there is no life outside God. John 1:4 IN HIM THERE IS LIFE. Our understanding of life determines our application of life. There will be a problem if your application in life is pegged to that which is outside God. Many believers have lost because our pursuit has been of stuff outside life, outside God. We have failed to recognize that our single pursuit should be the Kingdom of God and all its righteousness, Matt 6:33. When we divert from this pursuit everything falls of and that’s why many Christians are frustrated because the Bible says, when you seek the kingdom then ALL THESE THINGS SHALL BE ADDED TO YOU(Matt 6:33).

 Whatever you were drawn from will sustain you and if you are not in this sustenance then frustration is bound to follow because this world will and cannot sustain you.
Realign your pursuit!
God bless!


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